At Milton Public Library, we’re committed to breaking down barriers and opening up a world of knowledge and information to everyone in our community. Our latest policy updates, effective as of February 5, 2024, reflect our dedication to making library access easier and more inclusive for all. Here’s what’s new:


Simplified Access to Library Cards

  • Adults and Teens: We’ve simplified the process for you! Now, you no longer need to show proof of identification to register for a library card. This change makes it easier for all community members to access our resources, whether you’re visiting us in person or opting for the convenience of our online e-card registration.
  • Children’s Registration: The registration process for children remains unchanged, with safety and security continuing as our top priorities. Parents or guardians must still provide identification for their children to receive a library card. This ensures the safety of our younger members and maintains the integrity of our library system.


Inclusive Membership for First Nations

  • First Nations Communities: In a step towards inclusivity and support for our First Nations communities, any person living on a First Nations reserve in Ontario is now eligible for membership with borrowing privileges without charge. We welcome you to explore and enjoy all the services Milton Public Library has to offer.


Clear Age Categories for Ease of Access

To ensure clarity and ease of access for all our members, we’ve defined our customer age categories as follows:

  • A Child is an individual from birth up to and including age twelve (12).
  • A Teen is an individual from thirteen (13) years up to and including age seventeen (17).
  • An Adult is an individual who is eighteen (18) years old and older.


Why We’re Making These Changes

Our goal is to ensure that everyone in our community has equal access to the wealth of knowledge and resources our library offers. By clearly defining age categories, we’re making our policies more understandable for everyone. Removing the need for ID during registration for adults and teens, and offering free memberships to individuals living on First Nations reserves are significant steps towards breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive environment. Whether you’re accessing our services in person or online, we want to make your experience as seamless as possible.