What can I do with a Library Card?

Free Wifi

Free wifi in all of our branches as well as PCs and Chromebooks


Place Holds

Place holds through the website to reserve materials

Access to Computers and Printers

Use Library computers and printers

Access to all MPL Locations

Use any branch of the Milton Public Library

Request Materials

Request materials through InterLibrary Loan service

Borrow Items

Books, video games, sensory kits, wi-fi hot spots, sports equipment, and much more!

What can I borrow?

  • Books, Large Print, Board Books, and Graphic Novels
  • Digital materials: including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMusic, eVideo, eLearning, eMagazines and research resources
  • Audiobook CDs
  • DVDs
  • Video Games: Wii, WiiU, Switch, PS3, PS4, PS5, XBox360, Xbox One, XBoxSeriesX
  • Music CDs
  • Kits including pedometers and Kill-a-Watt appliance metres
Item TypeLoan Period
Most items21 days
DVDs7 days
Electronic games7 days
Frequent flyer books7 days
Frequent flyer DVDs2 days
Sports equipment7 days
Park passes7 days
Gaming consoles7 days

Borrowing Limits

Patron TypeNumber of Items
Milton Residents, those who work or go to school in Milton50 items
Halton Region Reciprocal Borrowers and Wellington County Reciprocal Borrowers50 items
Group Home/Shelter2 items
E. C. Drury Resident Students5 items
Hamilton Public Library Reciprocal Borrowers8 items

Unavailable Items

If there is an item in the MPL catalogue that is currently not available for borrowing, there are two ways that we can make it available for you.


If an item you want to borrow is not available, you can place a hold and we will notify you when it becomes available. Please make sure to pick up your held items on time to avoid applicable fines.

Learn More About Placing Holds

InterLibrary Loan

If you want to borrow an item that is not in the catalogue, you can use the inter-library loan to request it from another library.

Learn More About InterLibrary Loans

Reciprocal Borrowing

You may use your Milton library card without charge at the following public libraries: Oakville, Burlington, Halton Hills, Hamilton and Wellington County. You must show your Milton library card and be registered in their database.

Learn More About Reciprocal Borrowing

Renewing Materials

We understand that at times you will need some extra time with the items you borrow from the Library. There are three convenient ways to renew your borrowed items – online through My Account, via our mobile app or through our automated phone system.

Each renewal period extends the due date by the same length of time as you originally borrowed the item. Please check our Load Periods for more information.

  1. Most items that you borrow can be renewed two times, as long as there are sufficient copies available and they are not requested by another patron.
  2. Each renewal extends the due date by the same length of time as you originally borrowed the item. Please check our Load Periods for more information.
  3. Patrons must return the items after two renewals.
  4. If the patron would like to return and borrow the same item again, this can be done, if there are no other patrons requesting the item.
  5. Frequent Flyer materials cannot be renewed.

How do I renew items?

Most items that you borrow can be renewed two or three times as long as there are sufficient copies available.

Each renewal extends the due date by the same length of time as you originally borrowed the item for, e.g. an additional 21 days for most books, an additional 7 days for most DVDs.

  1. Login To Your Account
  2. Select “Login” at the top right-hand corner
  3. Enter your username or full barcode from your library card
  4. Enter PIN (usually the last four digits of your telephone number)
  5. Click Submit
  6. Sign in to your account.
  7. Select the Checkouts section.
  8. Please check the box on the left for the items you would want to renew
  9. Click “Renew Marked” or “Renew All’
  1. Go to “My Account”
  2. Select “View My Record”
  3. Select “Your Patron Card” from the presented options
  4. Click “My Checkouts”
  5. Highlight the items you want to renew
  6. Click “Renew Selected” on the right corner at the top
  7. A pop-up message appears with the updated due date

An automated Phone System enables you to use your touch-tone telephone to renew items. Here’s how:

  1. Dial 905-875-2665 which is our regular phone number
  2. Select 6 to renew items
  3. Enter your 14-digit library card number and PIN when prompted Notre: your PIN is usually the last four digits of your phone number
  4. Follow the prompts
  • You have already renewed the item the maximum number of times
  • It is a popular item with a waiting list and no available copies
  • It is a popular item with a waiting list, and the “available” copies are not copies that can fill holds
  • It was borrowed through Interlibrary Loan
  • Your library card has expired. Renew your card.

Returning Materials

Borrowed items from the Milton Public Library need to be returned to one of our locations (regardless of where you checked it out) by their due date. Items can be returned in-person or through external book drops, available 24 hours, 7 days a week. If a Milton Public Library item is returned to another library system in error, the cardholder is responsible for all fines and associated charges.

Lost and Damaged Items

  • The full cost of the item plus a processing fee of $5.00 per item will be charged.
  • A charge of $5.00 will be levied for lost DVD and CD cases.
  • Use of Library AV Materials: The Milton Public Library is not responsible for any damage to patron’s audio visual equipment as a result of using library audio visual material.


When items are not returned by their due date, fines will be applied to your account based on the type of item(s) you have borrowed. To allow other patrons to enjoy materials, please return your items before or by the due date.

Item TypeFine Amount per day (unless otherwise noted)Max
Regular materials (Adults)$0.25$10
Regular material (Children)$0.25$10
Frequent flyer DVDs$2$20
Frequent flyer books$1$10
Adult & Children's Kits$1$10
Sports equipment$5$50
Park passes$5$50
Gaming consoles$5$50
Radon Detectors$5$50
WiFi Hotspot$5$50
Thermal Camera$5$50
Non-pick-up of holds$1 per item
ILLO non-pickup$1 per item


The majority of items and services available at the Milton Public Library are free to patrons of Milton Public Library. A few of our services require a fee, which can be paid for at each location. Please ask a member of our staff for assistance.

ItemFee Amount
Black and white printing$0.20 per side, per page
Colour printing$0.40 per side, per page
3D prints$1.00 to initiate and $0.50 for every 15 minutes of printing time thereafter
Non-resident card registration$55 per year; $40+HST per student
Lost or damaged itemsReplacement cost + $5.00 processing fee
Exam proctoring$45+HST