Can’t find the item you’re looking for? Patrons of MPL have access to the interlibrary loan service to request books that are not available at our library locations. Find out how to access materials from across Ontario below.

If an item you are looking for is not available at Milton Public Library, through the interlibrary loan system, we can assist you in borrowing materials from other library systems from across Ontario.

Milton Public Library (MPL) provides interlibrary loan service to our library cardholders, providing access to materials from other public library systems in Ontario.

Any borrowed book that comes from another library outside of the Milton Public Library system is considered an interlibrary loan. Patrons must check the Milton Public Library’s catalogue first to determine if the item is available from our collection, prior to making an interlibrary loan request to borrow from other libraries.

Patron initiated request

Please note that we are transitioning to a new ILLO system, and new patron registrations on the INFO system are suspended until the end of this year. However, new patrons will still receive ILLO services by completing the Online Interlibrary Loan Request Form. Patrons who have already registered on the INFO system can continue searching Zportal and submitting their requests through it until the transition is complete.

Staff assisted interlibrary loan

Use our online Interlibrary Loan request form to place your requests. By using this form, staff will place the interlibrary loan request on your behalf.

Online Interlibrary Loan Request Form

If you have any questions, or would like to renew an illo, email:

Don’t Have A Library Card: No Problem

Sign-up for An eCard Today!


Normally interlibrary loans are not renewable. However, in exceptional circumstances, please email your request at:

Most public libraries in Canada will loan material free of charge. If your request can be filled from one of these libraries there will be no charge to you. If a fee is charged, this will be passed on to you. We do not order from these libraries without your permission. The charges are added to your account at the library and must be paid when picking up the book.

A $1 fee is charged to your account for each interlibrary loan item not picked up by the deadline.

  • Newly published/acquired material, current bestsellers
  • Reference material (directories, encyclopedias, etc.)
  • Textbooks and school course materials.
  • Electronic resources
  • Video games
  • Microfilm
  • Materials owned by other Halton library systems (Burlington, Oakville, Halton Hills). MPL has an agreement with the other library systems in the Halton region; this means our customers can borrow materials from their systems directly using their MPL card.