Beaty Re-imagined: Our Healthy Communities Initiative


Milton Public Library was the proud recipient of a $50,000 grant in 2022 from the Government of Canada’s Healthy Communities Initiative. Partnering with the local Indigenous organizations, MPL continues to bring new life to the Beaty Branch and inspire a more inclusive, inviting and vibrant community space, both indoors and out, centered around the Indigenous ways of knowing about the land, plants and medicines.

Projects completed to date as part of this grant include the indigenization of all MPL’s collection, which is available to the public in physical books and through e-resources, a beautiful mural in the main atrium depicting the plants in the garden, and the establishment of the Medicine Learning Garden, located behind the branch.

The Medicine Learning Garden is filled with pollinator-friendly species native to Ontario, with a view to centering Indigenous ways of knowing about the land, plants, and medicines. These teachings are supported by Indigenous-centered programming offered by the Library, featuring voices of Indigenous authors, artists, and Elders, creating a vibrant community space. Patrons of all ages are welcome to explore the garden, by viewing the bees hard at work at the on-site hives and story walks throughout the space.

The Creator shares many gifts with us on Turtle Island, many can be found in this garden. Alongside the four medicines used in ceremony (tobacco, sweetgrass, sage and cedar), you will find water, winged and four legged creatures, and plants that nourish many.

The Garden was planted in the traditional manner of Indigenous people and with guidance from the local Indigenous community.

This Medicine Garden reminds us that we are interconnected. We must take care of the land and each other. Medicines can be anything that affect you physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

Take time to sit in the garden and enjoy its bounty. Then reflect and commit to making this world a better place than you found it. Together we can move Truth and Reconciliation forward in a meaningful way.

‘Medicines’ Mural Painting by: Cassandra Bomberry

On June 1st, 2023, in celebration of National Indigenous History Month, Milton Public Library unveiled ‘Medicines’, a beautiful four-panel mural painted by local Indigenous artist Cassandra Bomberry. The mural is located in the entrance atrium at Beaty Branch..

“‘Medicines’ is inspired by the medicines planted in the library’s garden and the plants surrounding the area. Growing up, I was thankful to be surrounded by nature and grateful for its power to uplift my spirts. I wanted this mural to create that same sense of positivity and wellbeing for the visitors of this library. In the same way books can educate us, the natural world has an abundance of knowledge for us to learn from. I hope to honour nature with this painting and remind us of the important relationship we have with the natural world.” – Cassandra Bomberry

Bee Inspired: Our Beaty Hives


Children, and those young at heart, can experience our Beaty beehives and viewing area in partnership with Humble Bee. Humble Bee, a full-service apiary with a focus on sustainable urban honey production and education, provides STEAM-based programming for patrons of all ages during the warmer months. Bee sure to stop by the Medicine Learning Garden to see the Beaty Bee’s hard at work!

MPL offers Beaty honey for sale at all three branches, while supplies last! New batches of honey are typically available in late fall.

Our Queen Bees



The Milton community took part in a naming contest for the four Queen bee’s in the hive. The four Queens were named by an overwhelming majority through our online poll as: Queen Bea, Queen Blanche, Queen Sophia, and Queen Rose.

Community Partnerships

Humble Bee



MPL partnered with Humble Bee, a full-service apiary with a focus on sustainable urban honey production and education.

Beehives were installed at Beaty Branch in August 2020. MPL offers Beaty honey for sale from each fall’s harvest.

Learn About Bees!