Public Code of Conduct (Update effective August 6th, 2024)

Milton Public Library provides free and equitable access to services which meet the ever-changing needs of all Miltonians. We preserve and promote intellectual freedom while providing universal access to a wide range of materials, programs and information in a welcoming and inclusive environment that is free from discrimination and harassment as stipulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. Any form of discrimination and/or harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

The rules listed below are applicable to all members, visitors and attendees to any of MPL’s facilities, programs and events. They help support our welcoming and inclusive environment and to ensure the dignity and safety of the public and the staff and we ask for your cooperation.

1. Patrons can consume drinks and snacks while seated in all areas except at computer stations and other designated areas. However, to keep our spaces tidy, meals (e.g. burger, fries, pizza, etc.) are not permitted.

2. All patrons are asked to be considerate of others and clean up after themselves by placing all trash in receptacles provided. Please ensure all areas are left clean for use by others.

3. Violent, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or harassing language or conduct of any kind is not allowed.

4. Disruptive or intrusive behavior is not allowed. Keep noise levels to a minimum to respect others’ use of the Library.

5. Damage, misuse or theft of library materials, equipment and/or property is not allowed.

6. Interfering with the designated use of computers and networks is not allowed.

7. Children up to age 10 must have a parent, guardian, or caregiver in the immediate vicinity of, and in visual contact with, the child.

8. Members of the public must wear shirts and shoes and other appropriate attire. Use of sports equipment is not allowed in the Library.

9. Use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol or drugs is not allowed.

10. Loitering, solicitation of services or the sale of products is not allowed.

11. Only Service Animals are allowed to be brought into the facilities.

12. The posting of advertisements or flyers require the approval of the Branch Manager.

13. While we discourage patrons from wearing heavily scented products, we cannot
guarantee a scent-free environment. In consideration of others, please refrain from wearing strong perfumes and body scents that may disturb or cause allergic reactions of other patrons.

14. As a public space, the Library does not dictate what individuals photograph or film for personal use, but requests that patrons are respectful of others. Photographing, filming or video recording of library staff and users on library property must not be conducted without prior written approval of the Library. Library staff reserve the right to prohibit any photography or filming for any reason that may be disruptive to operations, individuals or library safety. Commercial filming and photography requires the prior approval from the CEO & Chief Librarian.

MPL will not tolerate the engagement of any activity that violates federal, provincial, local or other applicable laws or Library Policies.

Any behaviour that does not support our welcoming and inclusive environment and /or violates our rules of conduct listed above may result in cost-recovery charges, suspension of Library privileges, exclusion from the library in accordance with the Trespass to Property Act (RSO 1980) and/or prosecution.


Milton Public Library Board

Issued: September 1987

Reviewed: June 2024